Chicken wings are a part that can be cook into any menu and are delicious. Whether grilled, roasted or fried, chicken wings can do it all. Today, we will introduce you to a new breed of boneless chicken wings using a method of removing the bones of chicken with scissors. Even those who are not good at using knives can follow this method. There is no blood loss, your fingers are safe, and you will definitely get boneless chicken wings that you will enjoy eating.

Characteristics of fresh poultry meat.
Poultry meat, such as chicken or duck, should be firm. With tight skin that is not wrinkl, bright in color, not pale or with green spots. Check under the wings, legs, and neck that connects to the body. There should be no dark color, no bleeding spots or pustules, no wounds on the body, the neck and slit marks should be fresh, the eyes should not be sunken, สมัคร ufabet, there should be no foul smell, no mucus on the surface of the meat, the meat should not be mushy, when pressed with a finger, there should be no indentation from the force of the pressure, and the intestines should be clean and neat. As for poultry meat that shows signs of death from infectious diseases, there will be blood clots and red spots scattered on the skin.
How to remove bones.
- First, we need to remove the bones here. If there is chicken skin covering it, slowly pull the skin down. Do it one side at a time.
- Then use scissors to slowly peel off the tendons that cover the head of the chicken wing bone. There are 2 pieces of chicken wing bones in this section. Once we have peeled off all the tendons attached to the head of one piece of bone, we can peel off the tendons of the other piece. Then use scissors to cut off the tendons that connect the two pieces of bone.
- Use scissors to cut the tendons along the length of the bone. You can slowly cut into the chicken wing pieces. Do the same on both sides.
- Once all the tendons have been clear from the bones, you can use force to pull the bones out of the chicken meat.
- Now we have a new type of boneless chicken wings. We can coat them in flour and fry them or stuff them with stuffing. They are fun to eat without any annoying bones.
Selection of chicken meat: Old chickens have rounded nail tips, the skin under the paws will be thick and hard, the spurs are long; young chickens have pointed nails, the skin under the paws will be thin, the spurs will be short. If it is a young girl, the complete spurs will not be visible; the meat is thick and soft.